Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Blog Post 5; Conclusion


     Upon research through web, encyclopedia or simply reading the Bible I have come to a conclusion that there is such many faces of Jesus Christ.  Nevertheless, in my mind there is one image.  One word to describe my feeling towards how I image Jesus would have looked like and that is with the face of no judgement.  In my mind, his face lies no cruelty or viciousness toward anyone; eyes with such comforting, soothing and ever so gentle.  It doesn't really matter how He looked but what kind of person he really was to the people that knew him and to the people who believes in Him today.  For a lot of us, this could be one of so many appearance of Jesus Christ, questionable or not.  In my case, this image is as closed as I could image Him to be like regardless of what people would say or try to prove using scientific studies/analysis.  

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Blog Post 3: Stories

Based on this image, this was Jesus being baptised in river Jordan by the John the Baptist. 

According to the, a writing letter from Pontious Pilate to Tiberious Caesar describe Jesus with golden colored hair and beard that gave Him a celestial aspect appearance.  He added that Jesus appeared to be 30 years of age.  Also, he was able to say to Jesus that He had a magnetic simplicity about Him and a personality that placed Him far above any philosophers and teachers of His day.  
Furthermore based on "The Archko Volume," He looked just like his mother, only He does not have her smooth and rounded face.  His hair was a little golden than hers.  He was also described as tall and His shoulder drooped a little.  In addition, He had large blue eyes and rather dull and heavy.  

 Though the appearance of Jesus Christ has many wondering, no one could really prove how he looked  due to lack of evidence, not even in the Bible that says anything specific on how he looked physically.  

"Physical Description of Jesus." N.D. Mon. 29. Oct. 2012.<www.thenazarenewaycom/likeness_of_our_saviour.htm-Physical Description of Jesus>.

King, James. "Holy Bible The New Testament."The New Testament Of Our Lord And Saviour Jesus Christ Red Letter Edition. N.D. Mon. 29 Oct. 2012.

"The Encyclopedia Americana International Edition." 1829. Mon. 29 Oct. 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012

Blog Post 4: Evidence

This image of what Jesus may have looked like is on the cover of Popular Mechanics this month.

According to, Christians' beliefs of Jesus appearance to be agile, long-haired, light skinned and delicate description defers from today's modern science.  Based on Israeli and British forensic anthropologist and computer programmer, the image above is as close as how Jesus would have looked like.  Using the same scienctific forensic of famous faces including father of Alexander the Great and King Midas of Phrygia.  This "new" appearance of Jesus Christ is based on the work of Richard Neave, retiree medical artist from University of Manchester in England.  Producer of BBC documentary, Jean Claude Gragard, using archaeological and anatomical science, she and other researchers started with Israeli skull in the 1st Century timeframe and used computer programs, clay and simulated skin and their knowledge about Jewish people and used similar face and color eyes and skin.  Per Alison Galloway, a professor of anthropology of University of California, "This is probably the a lot closer to the truth than the work of many great master."

Legon, Jeordan.  "From Science and Computers, a New Face of Jesus." Dec. 2002. Mon. 29 Oct. 2012<>.

"The Encyclopedia Americana International Edition." 1829. Mon. 29 Oct. 2012

King, James. "Holy Bible The New Testament."The New Testament Of Our Lord And Saviour Jesus Christ Red Letter Edition. N.D. Mon. 29 Oct. 2012.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Blog Post 1: Proposal


     As a believer of Jesus Christ as the son of God, I have always wondered how he looked as many people describe Him to be.  Many has protray him as with light skin with dark facial hair and long, calm face.  He's hair some describe as dark, wavy and shoulder length.  Who really knows?  As a religious person, this image gives me a pretty close idea of how Jesus really look like.  Even though they are many ways preachers and prophets described who and how he is, I wonder in this age whether he looked like an ordinary man.  

     In the Philippines where mostly my childhood memories had occurred,  I was exposed to a very religious belief.  I remember during Easter, all of the people in our community would gather out in a little chappel to say prayers and learned the Words of God.  We used to have masses in the morning and also in the evenings.  At night time, we gather around to view classic movies about Jesus.  We learned history about Jesus of Nazareth.  

     I chose this topic because as a young child, I have always wondered the true appearance of Jesus Christ. I truly believe that he lived many years ago but have yet discovered any trace of evidence of how he really looked like.    

Blog Post 2: Background

According to, Jesus was a Jew who lived in the land of Israel, in the Middle East.  He walked a lot so his olive skin would have darken by the sun and days of traveling.  In the Bible, Leviticus 19:27, in the Law of Moses, Jesus observed and required Jewish male followers to not cut the hair at the sides of their heads or clip off the edges of their beard.  However in the Renaissance, artists portrayed him as a cleaned cut and handsome with the influence of Italian traditions and culture of Europe, rather than what the Bible says.  

The only verse in the Bible about Jesus's physical appearance is in Isaiah 53:2 that says, "He had no beauty or majestic to attract us to Him, nothing in His appearance that we should desire Him."

"Different Spirit." 2008-2012. Mon. 29 Oct. 2012.<>.

King, James. "Holy Bible The New Testament."The New Testament Of Our Lord And Saviour Jesus Christ Red Letter Edition. N.D. Mon. 29 Oct. 2012.

"The Encyclopedia Americana International Edition." 1829. Mon. 29 Oct. 2012