Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Blog Post 3: Stories

Based on this image, this was Jesus being baptised in river Jordan by the John the Baptist. 

According to the Nazareneway.com, a writing letter from Pontious Pilate to Tiberious Caesar describe Jesus with golden colored hair and beard that gave Him a celestial aspect appearance.  He added that Jesus appeared to be 30 years of age.  Also, he was able to say to Jesus that He had a magnetic simplicity about Him and a personality that placed Him far above any philosophers and teachers of His day.  
Furthermore based on Nazareneway.com "The Archko Volume," He looked just like his mother, only He does not have her smooth and rounded face.  His hair was a little golden than hers.  He was also described as tall and His shoulder drooped a little.  In addition, He had large blue eyes and rather dull and heavy.  

 Though the appearance of Jesus Christ has many wondering, no one could really prove how he looked  due to lack of evidence, not even in the Bible that says anything specific on how he looked physically.  

"Physical Description of Jesus." N.D. Mon. 29. Oct. 2012.<www.thenazarenewaycom/likeness_of_our_saviour.htm-Physical Description of Jesus>.

King, James. "Holy Bible The New Testament."The New Testament Of Our Lord And Saviour Jesus Christ Red Letter Edition. N.D. Mon. 29 Oct. 2012.

"The Encyclopedia Americana International Edition." 1829. Mon. 29 Oct. 2012

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